Location, Hours, Fees
The Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation department runs on-site before and after school childcare programs for these 13 Ann Arbor elementary school communities:
- Abbot Elementary
- Allen Elementary
- Angell Elementary
- Bach Elementary (After Care only)
- Carpenter Elementary
- Dicken Elementary (After Care only)
- Eberwhite Elementary (After Care only)
- Lakewood Elementary
- Logan Elementary (After Care only)
- Mitchell Elementary
- Pittsfield Elementary (After Care only, in combined program at Allen)
- Thurston Elementary (After Care only)
- Wines Elementary
Multiple schedules are available for families:
- Full time - AM and PM 5 days/week
- AM only - 3 days/week (M/W/F)
- AM only - 2 days/week (T/TH)
- PM only - 3 days/week (M/W/F)
- PM only - 2 days/week (T/TH)
*For full-time care, please register for all four of the AM and PM sessions.
Program Hours
Before Care: 7:15AM to the beginning of the school day.
After Care: End of the school day to 6:00PM.
Parents/guardians may choose an AM only schedule, PM only, or full-time both AM and PM.
Fees/Billing for the 2024-25 School Year
Fees Effective January 22, 2025:
Yearly Registration Fee $7 per activity per student (non-refundable)
Full Day Fee (AM + PM) $535/month for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
Before Care Monthly Fees
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - $148.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
Tuesday, Thursday - $98.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
Full time (M, T, W, Th, F) - $246.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
After Care Monthly Fees
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - $221.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
Tuesday, Thursday - $148.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
Full time (M, T, W, Th, F) - $369.00 for 10 months. August 22nd - June 22nd
- Fees are due on the 22nd of each month.
- The program is set up to require automatic payment with a credit/debit card
- Cash or check payment can be made through US mail or dropped off in our exterior drop slot. Payments must be received by the 22nd of each month.
- Beginning Dec. 3, 2024, Rec & Ed will no longer be absorbing credit card convenience fees. Read more here.
Assistance for Program Fees
Programs are available to families needing financial assistance who meet income eligibility requirements:
- The Childcare Network has a family support program. More information here.
- The Rec & Ed Scholarship Program offers tens of thousands of dollars of fee waivers to families each year. We offer 25%, 50% and 75% fee waivers to those who apply and qualify. Families may apply for the standard scholarship at any time, though applications for the 24-25 school year cannot be submitted until after July 1. This scholarship requires additional documentation.
Contact aapschildcare@aaps.k12.mi.us