Players may participate on only one team in each program. For example, a woman may play on one Women's team and one Corec, but not on two Women's teams. Men may not play in the women's program but women may play in the men's program.
Corec 6 person teams play 3 men & 3 women at a time. Corec Quads play 2 men & 2 women at a time. Most teams carry 8-10 players on the roster (both full time & substitutes).
Players must be at least 16 years old, unless specific permission is requested by the parent and an exception is granted by the Coordinator of Team Sports.
EXCEPTIONS: A player may play on ALL of these Corec teams at the same time: Corec Quads, Reverse, 40+, Instructional, and Corec 6-person. A player may also play in both Men's 6s and Men's Triples.