Concussion Information
Read the Michigan Sports Concussion Information
AAPS Rec & Ed Response to the Michigan Sports Concussion Law
In 2013, Michigan became the 39th U.S. state to enact a law that regulates sports concussions and return to athletic activity.
A concussion is a mild brain injury, caused by a blow, bump or jolt to the head that can have serious health consequences. It can occur in any sport or recreational activity.
Rec & Ed is taking the following steps to comply with the Michigan Sports Concussion Law and protect the health of young people who participate in our recreational sports programs:
Parent and Youth Participant Educational Materials
The law requires Rec & Ed to provide concussion educational material to all youth team sports participants and their parents/guardians. To make this easy for parents and participants, Rec & Ed has included the required educational materials in our online registration process. Parents will see a link to the material and check boxes indicating that they have had the opportunity to read it. Parents registering with the mail-in/drop off application form should read the information at Rec & Ed Concussion, then acknowledge that they have read it by it signing at the appropriate place on the registration form.
Training for coaches, referees, and other involved adults
All Rec & Ed team sports employees have completed the required on-line concussion training. Prior to the start of each sport season, Rec & Ed staff will notify coaches, volunteers, and other adults about their need to view the training and provide a certificate of completion to Rec & Ed.
Immediately remove from play any youth athlete suspected of sustaining a concussion
If a coach or other adult present witnesses a potential head injury, he/she will immediately remove the youth participant from the sporting event. The coach/other adult will fill out an Accident Report and send it to the appropriate Rec & Ed supervisor for that sport, who will follow-up with the family regarding the process to return to play.
Before returning a youth athlete to play, obtain written clearance from an appropriate health professional
Parents must supply a written clearance from a doctor using a state-provided Medical Clearance to Return to Play form. This form is available on the Rec & Ed Youth Team Sports webpage.
For more information, please call Rec & Ed at 994-2300 or visit these web sites:
Rec & Ed Team Sports:
Michigan Dept of Community Health: