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Youth Volleyball - Fall

Youth Volleyball Grades 4-9, Fall 2024

Join a Youth Volleyball team!

This program is a great way for both boys & girls to have fun and develop their social, mental and physical strength and character through teamwork and active participation while learning the fun game of volleyball. Every child plays -- no tryouts or cuts. Most youth players are NEW to the sport of volleyball, and all are welcome!

Volleyball is open to both girls and boys entering in grades 4-9* in fall.

*NOTE: 9th grade girls who are members of a current-year Fall MHSAA High School Volleyball Team may not participate in the Rec & Ed volleyball program during their high school season.

Fall 2024 Registration and Procedures Timeline

 For questions or more information, contact Theda Joffe at

Practices and Games
Each team will practice one weekday evening per week, 6 pm or later, (there are no "after-school" practices) at one of the district elementary schools. Practices begin the week of October 14, 2024. Each team plays 6 matches. Matches are on Saturdays only (no Sunday games) from October 26, 2024, through mid-December. 

Participants who do not reside within the Ann Arbor Public School District are considered non-residents and must pay the respective non-resident fee.
Registration (register by September 16, 2024, at 5:00 PM) 
Resident $150
Non-resident $160

After September16, 2024, players can only be assigned to teams with an unfilled roster.
Registration is online. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards (no Discover cards).
For information click here or contact the Rec & Ed office at 734-994-2300.
Refund Policy
For complete information on the Rec & Ed refund policy please click here. 


You can complete registration online here until the end of the registration period.  If you do not have a Rec & Ed account, you will be guided to create your account as part of your registration procedure. 

Standard Registration (through September 16, 2024)
Registrations received during the Standard registration period 

  • Are automatically assigned on to teams. 
  • All Registrations submitted online after September 16 can not be processed. Parents will need to contact the league director ( and then call the Rec Office to be placed on a team, with the league director's approval assuming a spot can be found.

Every attempt will be made to place players on teams whose registration form is received after the deadline; however, players are not guaranteed team placement or to play on any particular team.

Team Formation

Players will be notified of their team assignment via phone from the head coach.  Players who have not heard from a coach by October 7, 2024, should contact Theda at the Rec & Ed office at A volunteer may be needed.

Participants are assigned to school teams based on their public school attendance areas. 10–12 players are assigned to each older team in grades 6-9. 8–9 players are assigned to each team in grade 4 and 5 leagues, although occasionally a team’s coach may request more players for their team. If two teams are formed for the same grade from the same school, coaches and Rec & Ed staff will assign players to teams in accordance with department guidelines to ensure equally-balanced teams.

Consult Youth Player Placement for detailed information.

Combo Teams
If not enough players from the same grade and school register, players may be assigned to teams with participants from several different schools. It is not unusual for "combo teams" (teams with players from two or more different schools) to be formed. If your child’s school has filled its primary team roster, a combo team will be formed. Players whose registrations are received during the regular registration period are placed on the primary school team first.  

Charter, Parochial, Private, and Out-of-District Public Schools  
Charter, parochial, private, and out-of-district teams can be formed if all grade requirements are satisfied and registration deadlines are met. Registration must be open for all students that attend these schools.  We require a minimum of eight players to be registered by the Early Bird Deadline for such a team to be formed.  

Teams are coached and assisted by volunteers, many of whom are parents. Coaches and team parents are always needed!  If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the volunteer question when registering online or in the Adult Volunteer section of the registration form. The coaches' meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 via pre-recorded link on zoom. Practice balls will be handed out at the Rec & Ed office, 1515 S. 7th St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 at a time and date TBD.


Each participant receives a team T-shirt. Coaches will be notified when they can come to the Rec office to pick up their team's T-shirts.

During games and practices, all jewelry, such as rings, watches, bracelets (including friendship), earrings ("starter" earrings may be taped or bandaged), chains or necklaces are illegal. Any player who fails to remove his or her jewelry may not participate until it is removed.